Creator Partner Program

Earn money doing what you love

Promote Aha Creator by creating content and earn rewards: receive $15 for each referral, plus a 10% cash-back bonus up to $10,000 when they complete their first deal.

How it works

You Post with referral link
User clicks link and signs up
Earn $12.50 instantly if the Referral Criteria are met.

Once the user completes their first brand deal, Both receive a 10% cash-back bonus,

up to $10,000

Referral Criteria

All Aha Creator users can join the Creator Partner Program. For a referral to be considered successful, the referred creator must:

Payment Method

You can easily track your referrals and rewards in the Aha mobile app or website. Referral rewards are sent every two weeks to your specified PayPal account, which you can configure in “Wallet” on the Menu bar.

*Note: we do not support sending referral rewards via bank transfer. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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